by Greg M | Jan 26, 2022 | Adventures in Living, News, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
Finalizing the 12-String part for Vision Opening just before recording, Jan. 15/22. Photo by Daci. 2021 continued the strong momentum in composition from 2020, but with much more time for recording. That’s because Carving in Shadows, the vision-quest album in...
by Greg M | Feb 12, 2021 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
Sandcat Lullaby A few years ago, my wife Daci and I heard a nice piece performed by the Chicago Symphony: In the South (Alassio), a concert overture by Sir Edward Elgar. Writing on vacation in Italy, Elgar made use of a Neapolitan folk song in a delightful episode led...
by Greg M | Jul 25, 2020 | Releases, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of a new EP, Sea of Fertility, featuring my singer friend Chako of Jack or Jive. To be released on Aug. 6, the EP consists of one piece, the 20-minute title track. My parts were recorded in one day in August 2015, with a...
by Greg M | Jul 22, 2020 | Adventures in Living, The Creative Life
For our fourth Boundary Waters trip, we decided to base-camp on a lake with several others close by and easily reached by portage, to give us lots of day-trip options. As it turned out, our “home” lake was such a puzzle that warnings about even experienced map-readers...
by Greg M | May 19, 2020 | The Creative Life
(Score excerpt from O Remember Me (Like Unto the Sun), (c) 2020 by Greg Moorcroft. All rights reserved.) Brand confusion, aka “Bad Career Moves” can be the bane of an artist who wants to cover a lot of ground… too bad. Here we go: I’ve long...