by Greg M | Feb 1, 2020 | Releases
My 8th album, In the Eyes of Infinite Light, a duo with Mathias Grassow, is available now at my Bandcamp page. Its genesis was entirely unexpected – one of those wonderful turns of fortune. Mathias Grassow is a long-established artist with a huge catalog of over...
by Greg M | Jan 14, 2020 | Releases
Powering up the studio in early December 2019, on a whim I opened my folder of Odd Pieces – as one does. I’ve sketched out and filed away lots of project ideas over the years, to be revisited “someday”. A recent nagging desire to sort through – and deal...
by Greg M | Dec 31, 2019 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
After a fairly quiet year and a half, activity in The Keep has really picked up in the last few months. I think it’s only coincidental that the timing matched my change of heart about participating in the marketplace… but, of course, I could be wrong… Guest...
by Greg M | Oct 26, 2019 | The Creative Life
At the end of 2018, I announced that I was ending online availability of my solo work, partly to protect it against theft, and partly because I believed that I was playing into a global/financial cultural mentality which is antithetical to creative work. The Music...
by Greg M | Oct 21, 2019 | Releases, Working That Studio
A new collaboration piece of mine has just been released, marking my first appearance on the very cool Projekt label. Marco Billi records under the artist name jarguna. I discovered Marco’s music when my friend Nathan Youngblood appeared on his album Trapped, Vol. 1....
by Greg M | Sep 15, 2019 | Adventures in Living
Our third Boundary Waters wilderness camping trip, in July and August, was more of an adventure than the prior two, mainly because we went in with a much more ambitious itinerary which didn’t quite work out. The plan was a circuit of eight lakes in the northeast BW...
by Greg M | Jun 3, 2019 | Intrinsic Beauty, The Creative Life
So we conclude the series on my most inspirational kindred spirits! Part 1: Arvo Pärt, Steve Roach, Jack or Jive, Lucette Bourdin. Part 2: Tingstad & Rumbel, Sequentia, Robert Rich. Part 3: Steve Brand, David Hykes, Pat Metheny. Part 4: Yes, Dirk Serries, Alio...
by Greg M | May 31, 2019 | Poems
breeze-blown trees netted roots gripping tumbled rocks wilderness island
by Greg M | May 28, 2019 | Intrinsic Beauty, The Creative Life
[Photo: Osama Shukir Muhammed Amin. License: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0. Original here.] We approach the conclusion of this series highlighting my most inspirational kindred spirits. Part 1: Arvo Pärt, Steve Roach, Jack or Jive, Lucette Bourdin. Part 2: Tingstad & Rumbel,...
by Greg M | May 23, 2019 | Poems
singing harmony dancing in dandelions grub-hunting blackbirds