by Greg M | Jul 22, 2020 | Adventures in Living, The Creative Life
For our fourth Boundary Waters trip, we decided to base-camp on a lake with several others close by and easily reached by portage, to give us lots of day-trip options. As it turned out, our “home” lake was such a puzzle that warnings about even experienced map-readers...
by Greg M | Sep 15, 2019 | Adventures in Living
Our third Boundary Waters wilderness camping trip, in July and August, was more of an adventure than the prior two, mainly because we went in with a much more ambitious itinerary which didn’t quite work out. The plan was a circuit of eight lakes in the northeast BW...
by eyes cast down | Aug 3, 2015 | Adventures in Living
Vacation time! We spent a delightful week (entirely offline and unplugged) chilling in the Boulder Lake Campground, part of the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest, in northern Wisconsin. After the long drive up from Chicago, the last hour was a joy, winding along...
by eyes cast down | Nov 14, 2013 | Adventures in Living, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
My wife and I have taken several long-weekend trips to the Tibetan-Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center near Bloomington, IN, and from the first visit (18 months ago), it became our go-to getaway place. It features pervasive quiet, pristine grounds for walking, deer...
by eyes cast down | May 1, 2012 | Adventures in Living
By mid-April my wife and I were ready for a break. In the first week, I had played two live shows, on the 1st and 7th. If that wasn’t hectic enough, that same week we bade farewell to one of our two 16-year-old cats. Sandor had gone blind six weeks earlier, and...