by eyes cast down | Jun 8, 2017 | Album Reviews
Progressive rockers Yes’ 1974 release Relayer was one of the first albums that opened my ears to what was possible in music. Pretty difficult to overstate the importance of that – especially to an impressionable teenager. This was in the mid-70s. I...
by eyes cast down | Feb 27, 2017 | Album Reviews, Releases
Big gratitude to Richard Gürtler for his review of Souls Adrift, in Disrepair! It’s deep listeners like Richard, who thoroughly understand and love the music, whom I’m always hoping to reach. Here is Richard’s full review, which can also be seen...
by eyes cast down | Feb 9, 2017 | Airplay, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
2017 is off to a roaring good start! In mid-January, I completed recording for my fifth album, The White Island. It’s all improvised guitar pieces, though I pushed the concept a little for the last piece to be recorded, The Eons Are Closing. (Coolness points if you...
by eyes cast down | Jan 12, 2017 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
2016 was largely the Year of Other People’s Music, as almost everything I worked on was either a cover piece or collaborative project. The year’s centerpiece was the July release of my fourth album, Souls Adrift, in Disrepair, most of which was recorded in 2015. You...
by eyes cast down | Nov 3, 2016 | The Creative Life
It’s been too long since my album reviewing days and, while I lack sufficient time for the serious repeat listening which a good review requires, I can at least get back into the practice of calling attention to some of my favorite fellow artists in the...