by eyes cast down | Dec 30, 2014 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
It’s that time of year again… time for the dreaded Year-End Review. An attempt to make sense of 2014 and formulate an idea of where 2015 might lead. I’m a little embarrassed to note that I didn’t even do this last year! But 2013 was...
by eyes cast down | May 28, 2014 | Releases, The Creative Life
I’m delighted to announce the release of my second album. Divinations is now available for download from my Bandcamp page, and will be available on CD soon. Divinations includes five serene, pure atmospheric pieces, created mostly on synths. These pieces were...
by eyes cast down | Apr 12, 2013 | Album Reviews, Releases
Updated April 21… Many thanks to John Shanahan (Hypnagogue), Chuck van Zyl (Star’s End) and Bert Strolenberg (Sonic Immersion) for their generous reviews of The Separate Ones! John writes: Given that the recording of The Separate Ones, the debut...
by eyes cast down | Feb 22, 2013 | Releases
My first album, The Separate Ones, is complete at last. What a joy. What a relief! The album’s release comes seven years (to the day) after composition began on the first piece, as music is (sorry to say) my very part-time vocation. All the clichés about a first...
by eyes cast down | Oct 5, 2012 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
After a five-month break, during which I played only one live event (a laptop-driven atmosphere for an art show opening in mid-May), I emerged from The Keep in September for a workshop and my highest-profile concert so far. Having determined to begin exploring a more...