by Greg M | Jan 1, 2025 | Adventures in Living, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
2024 began in the afterglow of the release of my first longform piece, Tears For a Numinous Realm, on New Year’s Eve ’23. The elephant in the Projects Room, so to speak, remains the Carving in Shadows album, which passed the 12th anniversary of its inception. It did...
by Greg M | Jul 25, 2020 | Releases, The Creative Life, Working That Studio
I am delighted to announce the upcoming release of a new EP, Sea of Fertility, featuring my singer friend Chako of Jack or Jive. To be released on Aug. 6, the EP consists of one piece, the 20-minute title track. My parts were recorded in one day in August 2015, with a...
by Greg M | Mar 3, 2020 | Intrinsic Beauty, The Creative Life
“The closest analogy to how I experience both the act of painting and a finished work of art is music. While I am painting I feel like music is streaming through me on to the paper. It is difficult to say whether I am playing the music or the instrument being played....
by Greg M | Feb 1, 2020 | Releases
My 8th album, In the Eyes of Infinite Light, a duo with Mathias Grassow, is available now at my Bandcamp page. Its genesis was entirely unexpected – one of those wonderful turns of fortune. Mathias Grassow is a long-established artist with a huge catalog of over...
by Greg M | Jan 14, 2020 | Releases
Powering up the studio in early December 2019, on a whim I opened my folder of Odd Pieces – as one does. I’ve sketched out and filed away lots of project ideas over the years, to be revisited “someday”. A recent nagging desire to sort through – and deal...