by eyes cast down | Oct 31, 2012 | Adventures in Living
It was time for another long weekend in the woods, so in mid-October we returned to the Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist Cultural Center in Bloomington, IN, which we had gratefully discovered six months ago. Autumn is my favorite season, so this was the perfect time to be...
by eyes cast down | May 1, 2012 | Adventures in Living
By mid-April my wife and I were ready for a break. In the first week, I had played two live shows, on the 1st and 7th. If that wasn’t hectic enough, that same week we bade farewell to one of our two 16-year-old cats. Sandor had gone blind six weeks earlier, and...
by eyes cast down | Oct 14, 2011 | Adventures in Living
Music is the best. So it was an important part of an already-very-important day: our wedding in July 2008. My wife chose the first two pieces for the ceremony, and two traditional songs (Amazing Grace and Just a Closer Walk With Thee) for the reception, and was...
by eyes cast down | Oct 2, 2011 | Adventures in Living
After a lifetime in Canada, I have moved from Toronto to Chicago. Thereby hangs a tale… Anyone following the progress of my recording projects might have been struck by my apparent failure (or refusal) to finish an album, while defiantly starting up new ones. At the...