by eyes cast down | Apr 11, 2015 | Poems
riverside gossip dispersed in timely north winds strident bristling geese
by eyes cast down | Apr 10, 2015 | Poems
foreshadows of tears loom menacing, vigilant man-sized icicles
by eyes cast down | Apr 9, 2015 | Poems
budding cherry trees miscarry in mid-May frost; bloom in memory
by eyes cast down | Apr 9, 2015 | Poems
Icy winds assail unresisting, breathing flesh; howling, pass away
by eyes cast down | Apr 8, 2015 | Poems
daughter’s silent room; eternal empty neatness between our weekends
by eyes cast down | Apr 8, 2015 | Poems
Discovering Bashō (at long last) has inspired me to finally have a serious go at haiku and tanka, and take up the poetic brush again, after a 19-year break. First, there are two old ones, to clear the buffer… icy street corner, icicled bedroll huffing, bristled...
by eyes cast down | Mar 17, 2015 | Airplay, Releases
Our album Memory Palace made the Top 30 Spins for the week of March 7-14 on SomaFM’s Mission Control. Many thanks for Rusty Hodge and the gang for sharing the music! Lots of kindred spirits are on the list, including Steve Roach, Harold Budd, Erik Wøllo and...
by eyes cast down | Mar 2, 2015 | Album Reviews, Releases
Much gratitude to John Shanahan (Hypnagogue) for his enthusiastic review of my Divinations album, and to Brian at Our Place Radio for featuring the album on Feb. 25. Reaching such kindred spirits makes releasing the music all the more rewarding! John says: eyes cast...
by eyes cast down | Dec 30, 2014 | The Creative Life, Working That Studio
It’s that time of year again… time for the dreaded Year-End Review. An attempt to make sense of 2014 and formulate an idea of where 2015 might lead. I’m a little embarrassed to note that I didn’t even do this last year! But 2013 was...
by eyes cast down | Dec 22, 2014 | Airplay, Releases
Many thanks to Bill Fox of Thought Radio for playing Primitive and Prime from the Memory Palace album on his Dec. 20 broadcast. Bill has been playing my music from the beginning, and his support is greatly appreciated!