A depressing piece, but I thought it one of the better ones. Another female character study; to me the most telling aspect is that she could be of any age.
Twilight Child
Another glittering frigid April sun
Shivering trees and coasting birds
prove the wind
Playground demons shriek enjoyment
Windows all Venetian blinded
condense this cheap basement
All lightly frosted in dust –
even the baby oil bottle
empty on its side in the bath
Lobotomy box scrolling
captions in silence
No music all news nothing new
One pet lovebird flits free alone
Home to her cage
to get all her needs met
Kitchen lure of yesterday’s
stale human food
lost in the nicotine murk
Sunlight slits the table top
Spoon crash splatters a few tea drops
No response no reaction no response
She flames another crumpled cigarette
So always weary drained
The ash begins to droop
Panties the color of dried blood
Wisp of faded old silk blouse
Her mouth dull, flattens the tea
Straw hair entangled splitting
Flaking skin parched enough to write on
Drinking glass fingerprints
dust her body too
Once-blanched teacup dimly yellowing
Dying reds oranges yellows greens blues
Once-brilliant painted birds in grateful flight
over a sunlit meadow –
cherry trees
All chafed to dullness
like her once-garish makeup
like men’s interest – customers are few
Cigarette ash drops
– proving gravity –
puff! settles into a spot
The closest thing to a tear
left to her