Various Artists
RadioSpiral – Feb. 26, 2020

RadioSpiral releases this 19-track compilation of new music to benefit the World Wildlife Fund in its ongoing work in Australia.

I have the honor of leading off the set with my piece Solace of the Elders.

Other contributors include Projekt Records artist Forrest Fang, and friends Palancar and Mr. Spiral.

Major thanks to friends Diana Smethurst and Rebekkah Hilgraves of RadioSpiral for making this happen!

1. eyes cast down: Solace of the Elders 15.12
2. Flavigula: Portrait of a Wife 5.29
3. Forrest Fang: Signals 6.48
4. Gypsy Witch: Seeds of Hope 10.08
5. Jim Ottaway: Searching for Paradise 7.50
6. Mr. Spiral: heso no jukuko (naive piano) 13.30
7. remst8: Ohnismej 9.10
8. Robby’s Multimedia Poetry: Amongst the Books 3.40
9. Silver Carpet: Lithophane 8.05
10. Steve Weinstock: Meditation 1 – A New Day 2.57
11. Tantroniq: Numbers 4.21
12. Tim Walters: Barefoot to the Chin 3.54
13. windspace: It’s Dawn There 5.22
14. Jack Hertz: Cycles of Rejuvenation 6.02
15. Palancar: Ochre Sky 5.29
16. Daniel Robert Lahey: things work out 9.52
17. George L Smyth: Little Dragonfly Hunter 8.48
18. John Sandlin: Debussy’s Reverie 2.33
19. quotebangzero: raindance 6.48