Various Artists
Free Floating – December 2013
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Brad Ross-MacLeod’s netlabel, Free Floating, releases its fourth winter/holiday compilation featuring 12 artists, including Shane Morris, Jack Hertz, Gregg Plummer and Scott Lawlor. Greg M comments:
“Radiant Perception is a softsynth piece, a companion to Exquisite Divination of Patterns from the Free Floating Conception album. Thanks once more to Brad for including me in such good company!”
1. | The Great Schism: Moonfrost | 9.13 |
2. | Bing Satellites: Stille Nacht | 10.04 |
3. | Magnetic Wind: Winters Dance | 9.08 |
4. | Jack Hertz: Gravity Sun Icicle Crystal Love | 7.10 |
5. | Peter DiPhillips: Moonlight on Snow | 11.03 |
6. | Silvercord: Womb of Tranquility | 10.36 |
7. | C.paradisi: A Cold Coming | 7.00 |
8. | Peter Edwards: Solitary Winter | 8.27 |
9. | eyes cast down: Radiant Perception | 10.08 |
10. | Shane Morris: Saturnalia | 8.28 |
11. | Scott Lawlor: Yule Tidings | 8.59 |
12. | Gregg Plummer: Star Followers | 8:14 |